The Economic Impact of International Fluid Capital Inflow and Strategies 国际游资流入的经济影响与应对策略
Well, we have not enough fluid capital. 可是,我们没有足够的流动资金。
Doubts about the "great policy" arose, which argued that the "two-gap" was no longer existent and "Chinese paradox" happened due to abundant domestic fluid combining with large foreign capital inflow. 随即有声音以“两缺口不复存在”质疑中国的引资策略,提出内资不缺,外资大量涌入的“中国式悖论”,引发了学界众多的思考。
The commercial bank itself undertakes various types risk in the operation, including credit risk, interest rate risk, fluid risk, management risk, capital risk and policy risk and so on. 商业银行在运营中本身承担着各种类型的风险,包括信用风险、利率风险、流动性风险、管理风险、资本风险和政策风险等。
Pressurized fluid bed boiler and combined cycle have lower capital cost and lower exhausting of SOx and NOx, and will become a new and potential machinery to be developed. 增坛流化床锅炉及其热电联合循环系统投资省成本低且有害物排放量少,是一种颇有发展前途的发电新机种。
International fluid capital influences the stock market in three aspects. 国际资本对股票市场的影响主要有三条途径。